
Target Environment

It is possible to install and run (parts of) the IoT-Testware in at least three different ways:

For each of the mentioned possibilities exists different requirements for the environment to be set up. Please consider your favorite way of using the IoT-Testware and make sure you fullfill all requirements.




  1. Clone the IoT-Testware Dashboard project
git clone
cd iottestware.dashboard
  1. Build the Docker image
docker build -t $TESTWARE .
  1. Start the Docker container
docker run --network=host -ti $TESTWARE
  1. Call the Dashboard in your browser from https://localhost:3001

Dockerized Command Line

If you are already familiar with concepts and the CLI of Eclipse Titan than this way is a light-weight solution to run the Testware without webserver and dashboard.



  1. Clone the main IoT-Testware project
git clone
cd iottestware
  1. Build the Docker image
docker build -t TESTWARE .
  1. Start the Docker container
docker run -ti TESTWARE /bin/bash

Run Test Campaigns

The IoT-Testware Docker image ships currently two test suites for MQTT and CoAP. We will show you quickly how to configure and run the test suites.

Starting test suites with TITAN

ttcn3_start [-ip host_ip_address] executable [file.cfg] {module_name[.testcase_name]}

Looks quite easy: in order to start a test campaign TITAN requires us to provide an executable test suite. As we want also be able to provide different kinds of configurations, we also need to provide a .cfg file. Fortunately, we already have all the components in Docker. Let’s see how we can run some MQTT conformance tests against your System Under Test (SUT).

  1. Change directory to the MQTT playground and make yourself familiar with the provided files.
cd /home/titan/playground/mqtt; ls

By default, the public MQTT Broker is preconfigured in the provided configuration file. If you want to change the default configuration follow the next instructions.

1.1 (optional) get started with your own configuration

cp BasicConfig.cfg YOUR_CONFIG.cfg

1.2 (optional) to configure the TS (Test System) for your SUT you can change the hostName, portNumber and credentials definitions.

tsp_addresses :=
    id := "mqtt_server",
    hostName := "",
    portNumber := 1883
  }, {
    id := "mqtt_client",
    hostName := "",
    portNumber := 45679,
    credentials :=
      clientId := "CLIENT_ID",
      username := "USER_NAME",
      password := "PASSWORD",
      topicName := "your/mqtt/topic/name"

1.3 (optional) put together your own test campaing by choosing test cases from the [EXECUTE] section.


The configuration file can contain any white space characters. There are three ways to put comments in the file: you can use the C comment delimiters (i.e. /* and */). Additionally, characters beginning with # or // are treated as comments until the end of line.

### CONNECT Control Packet
MQTT_TestCases.TC_MQTT_BROKER_CONNECT_001   # <- will execute
MQTT_TestCases.TC_MQTT_BROKER_CONNECT_002   # <- will execute
#MQTT_TestCases.TC_MQTT_BROKER_CONNECT_003  # <- won't execute

2.1 Run the whole test campaign given in YOUR_CONFIG.cfg

ttcn3_start iottestware.mqtt YOUR_CONFIG.cfg

2.2 (alternative) Run a single test case TC_MQTT_BROKER_CONNECT_001 from MQTT_TestCases

ttcn3_start iottestware.mqtt YOUR_CONFIG.cfg MQTT_TestCases.TC_MQTT_BROKER_CONNECT_001

Manual Installation

The IoT-Testware is composed of several test suites from different repositories with once again several dependencies to the Eclipse Titan runtime. Hence, the process for a native installation can become quite complex. However, a native installation is very helpful for development. Therefore we provide additional ‘flavours’ of installation for development purposes.

  • We highly recommend to consider the Titan installation guide to set up Titan properly (check the supported OS ons the side beforehand).
  • If you are not using one of the supported OS, we recommend to set up a virtual machine or use Titan with Docker.