Install with Docker

For an easy deployment, you can use the shipped Dockerfile coming with the repository.

Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization. It uses the resource isolation features of the Linux kernel to allow independent containers to run within a single Linux instance, avoiding the overhead of staring and maintaining virtual machines.


Docker will perform all the heavy lifting of virtualization and running the IoT-Testware including Eclipse Titan. Therefore, an installed and functioning Docker is the only prerequisite.


Although, it is possible to run Docker containers on different operating systems, Docker’s host networking driver only works on Linux hosts. Hence, it is recommended to run the Docker containers on a Linux machine.


  • Make sure you have a working Docker installation

  • (optional) Set the following environment variables

  • (optional) Create separated Docker network

    docker network create --subnet $TW_SUBNET $TW_NETWORK_NAME
    docker network ls
  • (optional) Create persistend storage and docker volumes

    docker volume create $TW_VOLUME_NAME
  • Build the Docker container

    docker build -t $TW_CONTAINER_NAME .

Additional Docker commands

  • Stop all running container

    docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
  • Delete all containers

    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  • Delete all images

    docker rmi $(docker images -q)
  • Force delete a specific image

    docker rmi -f <IMAGE_ID>
  • open second bashwindow

    docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

Start Docker container

Docker offers many options for starting and integrating containers. In this section we will show how the container can be started with persistend storage and how to attach the container to the previously created sub-network. Read the Docker networking overview for more information.

  1. Most basic way to start a Docker container without persistend storage and using the host’s network interface
docker run --network host $TW_CONTAINER_NAME
  1. Isolated Docker container which is attached to the sub-network with a fixed IP and without persistend storage
docker run --network $TW_NETWORK_NAME --ip $TW_FIXED_IP $TW_CONTAINER_NAME
  1. Using host’s network interface and with persistend storage
docker run --network host -v $TW_VOLUME:$TW_VOLUME_PATH $TW_CONTAINER_NAME
  1. Isolated Docker container which is attached to the sub-network with a fixed IP and with persistend storage

Run the Dashboard


This step requires that you have used the Dashboard Docker file

Once everything is correctly deployed and started you can access the IoT-Testware Dashboard from your browser. Dependent on you network configuration simply open one of the following URLs in your browser:

  • If you used the host network for the container: https://localhost:3001
  • If you deployed the container with a custom network and given fixed IP: https://$TW_FIXED_IP:3001
